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Updates from the BusinessNZ Energy Council (BEC)




Emissions Reduction plans released

BusinessNZ Energy Council has welcomed the release of the Ministry for the Environment's discussion document Te hau mārohi ki anamata - Transitioning to a low-emissions and climate-resilient future. The energy sector has a big role to play to drive down emissions, with many energy businesses already taking action.  Read more...

BBC StoryWorks: Humanising Energy

As part of World Energy Week, we also saw the launch of Humanising Energy. Produced for the World Energy Council by BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions, the online series of films and articles displays technical innovation taking place across the energy sector through compelling, human-centric stories of creativity, collaboration and community.   Read more...

Gas Market Settings investigation released

Gas Industry Company has released their investigation into the role of gas in supporting the energy transition and current market settings. The Minister of Energy & Resources asked for advice about settings in the natural gas market and whether they are fit for purpose for New Zealand's transition to 100 percent renewable electricity. The report was developed after consultation with the industry. Read more...

Energy awards seeking stories of excellence

Have you got your own story of energy leadership to share? This year's Energy Excellence Awards are now open for entries. Entering the awards  demonstrates  leadership and corporate social responsibility, a commitment to the development and growth of the sector, and may even help attract talent or investment. BusinessNZ Energy Council are delighted to sponsor the Low Carbon Future Award. Read more...

Hydrogen briefs continue

The World Energy Council have published a series of insights about 'Hydrogen on the Horizon'. The series includes three new briefs giving an overview of national hydrogen strategies, input from senior leaders on hydrogen developments, and hydrogen demand and cost dynamics. To date, 12 countries and the EU have published strategies with a further 19 currently drafting a strategy.  Read more...

Feedback on Emissions Trading framework

The Emissions Trading Scheme is an important tool to reduce emissions, allowing those within the system to collectively adapt and establish the most efficient response. BusinessNZ Energy Council and BusinessNZ teamed up to provide feedback on the governance framework for the Emissions Trading Scheme, acknowledging the progress made and providing feedback on the development required to ensure this tool operates effectively.  Read more...




Gas Infrastructure Future  findings report released

Our climate change response will have a profound impact on the use of natural gas. A working group including BEC members Vector, Powerco and Firstgas was established to consider potential impacts of the move away from gas. A key finding is the need for a managed transition that protects consumers from an estimated potential $5.3 billion bill converting space and water heating appliances. Read more... 

Broader Low Emission Transport Fund now open

The government's Low Emissions Transport Fund is now open for applications. The fund has a broader scope than previous rounds, with wider eligibility for projects on and off-road. Total funding will reach up to $25 million per year by 2023/24. The first round focusses on low emission vehicles and transport technology, and a second round of funding will focus on public charging infrastructure.  Read more... 

Vector collaborates with X

In a move welcomed by Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods, Vector and X, the moonshot factory have announced a strategic collaboration to build network virtualisation and simulation technology. This is part of a shared vision to reimagine the design, management and operation of electricity networks, get ahead of increasing demand for clean energy and transform the network in order to support decarbonisation. Read more...

On course for Accelerated Electrification scenario

New Zealand is on course for an Accelerated Electrifcation scenario, according to Transpower's latest Whakamana i Te Mauri Hiko monitoring report, although the last six months were a reminder of the importance of grounding decarbonisation efforts in the energy trilemma. Security of supply, reliability and affordability have been brought to the forefront of industry conversations.  Read more...

Next steps towards sustainable aviation fuel

Z Energy have backed a proposal for developing a local sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) industry. Air New Zealand and MBIE will run a closed RFP process inviting leaders in innovation to demonstrate the feasibility of operating a SAF plant at a commercial scale. "The use of SAF could reduce aircraft emissions by over 80% for every litre used," notes Z Energy GM Strategy and Risk Nicolas Williams.   Read more...




YEPN Webinar: Future of Solar Energy

14 October, Online

Hear perspectives from three unique speakers within the energy sector: Martin Garrood, Lead Advisor Energy, MFAT will provide an offshore perspective, Campbell MacMath, Managing Director, Kea Energy will give insight into the first utility-scale solar in New Zealand, and Mike Davidson, Manager Operational Forecasting, AEMO will discuss the solar perspective from Australia.

WHEN 14 October

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BEC Webinar: Data-driven energy solutions

19 October, Online

Increased digitalisation in the energy sector will allow us to use new technologies in new ways, but digital solutions were among the most uncertain issues facing energy leaders according to the 2020 World Energy Issues survey. So what does this data-driven future look like?

BusinessNZ Energy Council, in collaboration with Arcanum and Databricks, are delighted to invite you to our next webinar to hear how data-driven solutions have shaped the energy sector over the last year, and discuss what's to come in New Zealand. 

WHEN 19 October 2021

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BEC Webinar: Security of power supply in the transition towards a net-zero grid

9 November, Online

The European Union and New Zealand share ambitious decarbonisation goals which place the power sector in a strategic pivotal role to not only carry its share of the economy wide emissions reduction effort, but to also enable the transition of other sectors, such as transport.

BusinessNZ Energy Council and the Delegation of the European Union to NZ invite you to a webinar on the challenge of ensuring continued energy security at least cost during the transition towards net zero greenhouse gas emissions.

WHEN 9 November 2021

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APEC CEO Summit 2021

11 - 12 November, Online

The most important meeting of business and government in the Asia-Pacific, where thought leaders and world business executives engage with each other and APEC leaders to seek solutions to the biggest challenges and opportunities of our times.

WHEN 11 - 12 November 2021

WHERE Online



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