Updates from the BusinessNZ Energy Council (BEC)
MBIE Launches New Hydrogen Scenarios
New MBIE sceanrios identify that Government action can help to ensure that existing infrastructure remains available for hydrogen use, from electricity generators to boilers, to gas pipelines and underground storage. This could include using hydrogen blends to decarbonise existing uses of natural gas for industry, domestic and commercial heating, and cooking applications. Read more...
Reforms in climate and environment, energy and resources management, healthcare, schools, vocational education, housing, resource management, three waters, local government, social welfare, justice, borders, unemployment insurance, taxation, and public sector are all either underway or have been actively explored in recent years. Deloitte New Zealand's State of the State 2022 explores what it will take to do reform well. Read the report...
New Global Future Energy Leaders
The World Energy Council welcomes 17 new Future Energy Leaders to its global Future Energy Leaders programme. Members of the programme are exceptional young professionals representing almost 60 countries and every continent. Congratulations to our successful YEPN Future Energy Leaders - Mark Todoroff, TESLA Asia Pacific and Emily Hilton, Hiringa Energy. Read more...
Flicking The Switch on Long-Term Thinking
The The BusinessNZ Energy Council (BEC) says it’s encouraging to see long-term infrastructure thinking from the Government. A long-term, whole-of-energy sector strategy is vital in integrating low emission energy resources as part of New Zealand’s infrastructure. Read more...
A New Episode of Powering NZ just launched
Powering NZ tells the story of the remarkable innovators and entrepreneurs who have contributed to the New Zealand electricity system
– one of the most renewable electricity systems in the world. Whiteboard Energy, the producer behind these 5 part “Powering NZ” documentaries, just launched its 4th episode during our first Energy101 session. Powering NZ is not just a celebration of our heritage – it serves as an inspiration to keep leading the world in an industry that underpins just about every social and economic activity in the country. Read more...
Let's just get a bit more flexible
A new energy sector subgroup – the flexforum – has been set up to identify actions to better integrate distributed energy resources (DER) into the New Zealand electricity system. Unlocking the value of DER is an opportunity to increase reliance on renewable generation while managing new demand for electricity in an affordable manner. And who doesn’t like more clean, reliable, and affordable electricity? If you want to know more and how you get involved, please get in touch. Read more...
How does a solar farm work? What are the benefits of solar farms compared to other forms of renewable energy generation? Find out about the benefits of solar and solar farms in New Zealand. Check out the Helios Solar 101 page and find out how solar farms work and the solar development process. Read more...
New Kiwi energy developer prepares grid-scale solar investments
A collaboration of renewable energy developers from the United States and New Zealand have built a new Kiwi company committed to grid-scale solar developments that will lower energy prices and cut carbon emissions. Helios Energy, a BEC member, has been quietly developing a pipeline of grid-connected solar across New Zealand over the last two years. Read more.
Contact and Lightsource bp join forces as solar development partners in New Zealand
New Zealand energy company Contact Energy ('Contact') and global solar developer Lighsource bp ('LSbp') will collaborate on a series of grid-scale solar generation projects to create up to 380,000 megawatt hours of clean, affordable electricity annually by 2026. Read more.
Climate Change Hub gathers momentum
Genesis’ new Climate Change Hub is growing fast, with more than 1500 subscribers since its launch six months ago. The Hub is an online meeting place for insights, ideas, inspiration and practical guides on how energy can help address climate change. Stories are independently sourced from national, business and individual perspectives. Click here to subscribe to the Hub’s monthly newsletter, or email media@genesisenergy.co.nz with topic ideas. Read more...
FirstGas Group appoints Future Fuels GM
Firstgas Group has appointed James Irvine to lead a new department dedicated to future fuels, including hydrogen and biogas. James will lead Firstgas’ renewable energy strategy, new technologies, initiatives, programmes and partnerships. Read more...
German Green Energy Solutions
With the region’s major employer, the New Zealand Aluminium Smelter (NZAS) located at Tiwai Point facing an uncertain future, the development of a low-emission economy for Murihiku/Southland is a priority for both Iwi and the Crown.
With this webinar, we aim to introduce German green energy solutions and technologies to German and New Zealand stakeholders.
WHEN 5:00 - 6:30pm 12 May 2022
WHERE Online
Scaling Up Low-Carbon Hydrogen in the Regions
Join the World Energy Council for a rich conversation with energy leaders from across the world about the new World Energy Insights on Hydrogen and learn more on the regional perspective into low-carbon hydrogen scale up today and by 2040.
The 8:00 – 9:00 (UK time) session will explore the development of low-carbon hydrogen and its derivatives in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East and Gulf States - Register here
The 15:00 – 16:00 (UK time) session will explore the development of low-carbon hydrogen and its derivatives in Europe, Latin America & the Caribbean and North America - Register here
Lumo Energy Reimagined - First Podcast
Tune in to our first LUMO Podcast to hear from Lee Gardiner and Dewy Sacayan as they explore how far we have evolved with energy, and unpack its complex relationship with humanity, technology and Papatūānuku. Lee and Dewy also share their thoughts on what the war for talent means for the energy sector, and what youth are calling for from energy organisations as they address climate change.
Accelerating Decarbonisation CEP Conference 2022
The Carbon and Energy Professionals Conference is New Zealand's largest gathering of energy efficiency, decarbonisation and sustainability professionals. The 2022 programme includes keynote presentations from internationally renowned leaders in AI and the interaction between climate change, sea level rise and erosion - and what we can do about it. Register now.
WHEN 1 - 2 June 2022
WHERE Rotorua